Blazorise DataGrid: Column Chooser
Enable Column Chooser to allow users to show or hide columns in the DataGrid.
Enable the feature by setting ColumnChooser
to true.
<DataGrid TItem="Employee" Data="inMemoryData" Responsive ShowColumnChooser PagerPosition="DataGridPagerPosition.Top" ShowPager ShowPageSizes> </DataGrid>
@code { [Inject] EmployeeData EmployeeData { get; set; } private IEnumerable<Employee> inMemoryData; protected override async Task OnInitializedAsync() { inMemoryData = ( await EmployeeData.GetDataAsync().ConfigureAwait( false ) ).Take( 25 ); await base.OnInitializedAsync(); } }
Positioning example
<DataGrid TItem="Employee" Data="inMemoryData" Responsive ShowColumnChooser PagerPosition="DataGridPagerPosition.Top" PagerOptions="new DataGridPagerOptions() { ColumnChooserPosition = PagerElementPosition.End }"> </DataGrid>
@code { [Inject] EmployeeData EmployeeData { get; set; } private IEnumerable<Employee> inMemoryData; protected override async Task OnInitializedAsync() { inMemoryData = ( await EmployeeData.GetDataAsync().ConfigureAwait( false ) ).Take( 25 ); await base.OnInitializedAsync(); } }
See the documentation below for a complete reference to all of the props and classes available to the components mentioned here.